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Cutting Costs On Trade Show Shipping

27 Jul 2021

american freightways, freight shipperEven with the growth of e-commerce, trade shows remain a great way to connect with target audiences and boost the profile of businesses. Those that choose to attend are interested in whatever theme prevails and make for a highly engaged audience with strong potential to convert. Being part of trade shows can however be a costly endeavor and at a time where many businesses are struggling, it is as vital to cut costs as it is to keep trying to add to your client list. One area that is not often highly considered is the shipping costs of marketing materials, booths, and other paraphernalia needed for these events. Here are some useful tips on how to make sensible savings on trade show shipping.

Minimize Volume

These days shipping costs are based on both the weight and volume of shipments. Your lightweight trade show shipment can cost much more if the dimensions end up taking up a large space. Try to dismantle as many parts as you can and organize them to be as small as possible in terms of size. If you have a lot to ship, try to pile as much as you can on the same palette than adding another one. Keep the items stable and secured by wrapping them with cellophane.

Rent Where Possible

There are some items you will need for your booth that can often be sourced at the location. Stuff like tables and chairs are often already included in the cost of hiring the venue. Call ahead or check with organizers to find out what you can freely or affordably source locally rather than lug around for each event.

Track Your Measurements

Be sure to weigh and measure the dimensions of each item you are shipping and note down the information in a notebook and on the outside of each box. Some shippers will estimate rather than correctly measure this data. Overestimations do occur and can add unnecessary costs to your trade show shipping.

Opt for Show-To-Show Shipping

Some businesses can have a busy season where trade shows are closely scheduled across multiple locations. You can save big by having your trade show shipment transferred from one event to another, rather than from event and back to base, then from base to the next event. If the timing is a bit spaced, check with organizers or look up local providers who can store your materials till you need to collect them to set up your booth.