So, I’ve been out of work for a few months now. When you can’t find another job immediately after getting laid off it works on your self-esteem. Rejection letters and emails are disheartening, but the jobs that never even acknowledge that you’ve applied are even worse. I’ve decided it’s time to take the bull by … Continue reading I Saw a Freight Broker Agents Opening
READ MOREWell, here I am, 46 years young and finding myself in the unemployment line. I had a great job working in a warehouse until 2 months ago. I had been with that company for 20 years. Just like that, we downsized and I was given the dreaded pink slip. At my age, I figured it … Continue reading I was Looking for a Freight Broker Agent Job
READ MOREI love trucks, trains, planes and everything in between. If it has to do with transportation, I’m interested. I started like any little boy with all the train sets and trucks to play with. And I have always been fascinated by how different products arrived in the stores. For instance, how could that crop of … Continue reading I Started My Own Freight Forwarding Firm
READ MOREChristmas is coming and with it comes the mad dash for getting Christmas packages to your loved ones who live in another state. This time of year also means a huge demand for retailers to have products on their shelves or to have products shipped to the customer in time for the big day. Every … Continue reading Freight Shipping Business at Christmas Time
READ MOREI had just started my own company. Our merchandise was unique and fragile. After obtaining a huge order from a nationally known chain, I started searching for a way to get the shipment to them. Now mind you, I’m just starting out. I didn’t have a huge amount of money to spend on shipping. I … Continue reading A Freight Shipping Story
READ MOREThere are many freight shipping businesses out there. Each one claims to be the best one you can choose for your particular shipping needs. When you are researching a freight shipping business, just looking on line might not give you the best information. Before choosing a freight shipping service, there are a few questions you … Continue reading What to Expect From a Good Freight Shipping Service
READ MOREBeing an entrepreneur is something many people dream about. Having your own business sounds exciting and can mean freedom from tyrannical bosses, annoying coworkers and long hours. A freight broker agent business can be the answer you are looking for. Starting up a freight broker agent business doesn’t necessarily require a huge outlay of your … Continue reading How to Start a Freight Broker Agent Business
READ MOREShipping freight might sound like it is a relatively simple thing. Someone has something that needs to be transported and they find someone with a means to transport it. Not much to it, right? Wrong! Shipping freight is much more complicated than that. First, a shipper, someone with a product that needs to be transported, … Continue reading Shipping Freight 101
READ MORESo, you’re looking for a new career path or just starting out. There are many job titles that may pop out at you. Let’s say you’ve seen “Freight Broker Agents Wanted” on American Freightways web site. This might be something you are interested in but do you know what a freight broker agent does? If … Continue reading Understanding Freight Broker Agents Wanted Postings
READ MOREEvery day, there are tons of products being shipped to places around the world. Businesses and individuals depend on being able to get things from point A to point B. That can mean shipping items a short distance around a city, sending them across the country or delivering them around the world. Things can be … Continue reading What Type of Freight Broker Training Do You Need?